Featured Work First Employee: Ednara

If you've donated to the Philadelphia Furniture Bank or scheduled a pickup with Good Haul, you may have met some of our Work First employees.
Pathways to Housing PA operates our Work First Program at the Philadelphia Furniture Bank. The program increases low-barrier job placement, both short and long-term while helping participants develop skills and increase income. We believe that complex issues like homelessness require creativity, innovation, and constant evolution to meet the needs of those affected, and the Work First program was developed specifically to support those exiting homelessness and/or who have struggled to find employment.
The program is open to people who have experienced homelessness and are currently in rapid, transitional, or permanent supportive housing in our system and provides wage-paid work, job skills training, and other employment services in a supportive environment with three tiers: job readiness training, transitional employment, and assistance with employment.
Are you or someone you know interested in applying to our Work First program?
Meet Ednara, one of our current Work First employees!
Q: What’s your name and how long have you been in the Work First program?
A: Ednara, and I’ve been in the program for 8 months, since January [2024].
Q: What or who encouraged you to apply to the Work First program?
A: A counselor in my program mentioned the opportunity to me. It fit perfectly with my background, as I worked 23 years in carpentry before starting at the Furniture Bank. I applied and was able to start almost the next day.
Q: What have you learned as part of your job at PFB/GH that will help in future positions?
A: Customer service skills. I think it also helps that I’m bilingual in Spanish & English, so I can help some of the clients when they come in and don’t speak fluent English. So learning how to handle all types of people has been helpful.
Q: How is working in the warehouse and on the truck? Do you prefer one, if so, why?
A: I like both. Working on the truck is more laid-back sometimes, but I like both. Last month, we had a large pickup out in Lehigh Valley, and I was able to go along, which was a nice drive. Being able to help out clients in the warehouse is great too.
Q: What kind of work would you like to do after exiting the Work First program?
A: Something less [physically] intense. After being in carpentry and now this, I’d like to take a step back. I’m getting older. Maybe a case manager or social worker, I’m not quite sure yet.
Q: Can you share with us your favorite part of the job?
A: Honestly, just coming in in the morning. Everyone here gives a warm welcome, and it’s great to see people you know and enjoy working with. It’s also great because once you’re here and start working, the day goes by quickly.
Q: Do you have any advice for anyone considering or just starting the Work First program?
A: It’s a great program, it’s flexible and good start if you need something to get started again.
Q: Anything else to add about you, PFB, Good Haul, or the Work First program?
A: Everybody is great. I really like working here. Everyone is excellent to work with.