
Researching and disseminating our service model is core to our mission. We know that Housing First works.
Homelessness & Housing First
Pathways' Facts on Homelessness
State of Homelessness: 2022 Edition - National Alliance to End Homelessness
Housing First in Permanent Supportive Housing Brief - HUD Exchange
Federal Health and Social Service Programs That Support People Experiencing Homelessness
Tip Sheets
The Five Key Principles of Housing First
Five things I wish I knew before starting a Housing First program
Pathways to Housing - Housing First Fidelity Principles
Housing First Model vs. Traditional Housing Models
Faculty Publications
In the Media
- Housing First training Strengthens Community's Response to Homelessness and Improves Outcomes (Building Bridges Blog)
- Pandemic Era Telehealth Innovations in the Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Felds: Practice-informed Findings and Recommendations (National Council for Mental Wellbeing; Kristina Scalia-Jackson, contributor)
- I'm facing housing insecurity, now what? (Mental Health America)
- Everyone Is Housing Ready: The Housing First Philosophy (United Way Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley)
- For Her First Bill of Session, Congresswoman Dean Reintroduces the Homelessness and Behavioral Health Care Coordination Act. (House of Representatives)
- Why "Housing First" works. (The Philadelphia Citizen)
- If Housing Is a Health Care Issue, Should Medicaid Pay the Rent? (New York Times)
- S.F. spent millions to shelter homeless in hotels. These are the disastrous results (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Webinar: Methamphetamine and the Transition to Housing (SAMHSA's Homeless & Housing Resource Center)
- International Interviews in Supportive Housing Work (Fapil – Paris, France)
- Grantee Spotlight: Building Trust to Reduce Risk for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder (Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts)
- A Place We Call Home: A Conversation on The Legacy of Home in a Changing City (Philly CAM)
- The Keys to Low-Threshold Housing (RIZE Massachusetts Foundation, National Harm Reduction Coalition)
- Healing Hands - From Homelessness to Housing: Challenges and Opportunities of Housing Transitions (National Health Care for the Homeless Council Clinician's Network)
- Collaborative Healthcare (Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education)
- LBGTQ+ History Month: In Conversation with Andrew Spiers (Clarifi)
- Member Spotlight – Christine Simiriglia (Women in Housing and Finance Pennsylvania)
- National conversation: ‘Housing First’ approach can meet the demands of homeless union (Generocity)
- Career Advice For Social Work Students (The Best Schools)
- The Role of Social Workers During COVID-19 (Social Work Guide)
- Ending Homelessness Through Housing First with Andrew Spiers (Conjuring Up Courage)
- Philly should create a jails-to-housing pipeline to mitigate impact of coronavirus (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
- Heroes Of The Addiction Crisis: How Kate Gleason-Bachman & Pathways to Housing Are Using The ‘Housing First Model’ To Address Addiction (Authority Magazine)
- Heroes of The Homeless Crisis: How Christine Simiriglia of Pathways to Housing PA is Helping To Support Some Of The Most Vulnerable People In Our Communities (Authority Magazine)
- Alternative Jobs to Pursue With a Social Work Degree (Social Work Guide)
- Housing As Harm Reduction (Narcotica)
- Council of Economic Advisers' proposed solutions to homelessness will actively harm people (Generocity)
- Voices of Supportive Housing - Matt Tice, Clinical Director, Pathways to Housing PA (Corporation for Supportive Housing)
- Amid Pa. opioid disaster, lacking ID still a barrier to treatment (WHYY)
- Pathways to Housing PA: Using Landlord Engagement and Flexible Services to Assist Individuals at the Intersection of the Opioid Crisis & Homelessness (USICH)
- Bold moves during dangerous times: celebrating the work of Matt Tice (Circle of Hope)
- Housing comes first at Philly program for homeless heroin users (WHYY)
- Retention of Patients With Multiple Vulnerabilities in a Federally Qualified Health Center Buprenorphine Program: Pennsylvania, 2017-2018
- Housing First for People with Opioid Use disorder (OUD) and engagement
- Medication Adherence in a Housing First Model
- Investigating Chronic Illness in Pathways to Housing Clients
- Health Outcomes in Pathways to Housing Clients
- Feasibility Pilot Outcomes of a Mammography Decision Support and Navigation Intervention for Women With Serious Mental Illness Living in Supportive Housing Settings
- Reaching for a Healthier Lifestyle: A Photovoice Investigation of Healthy Living in People with Serious Mental Illness
Additional Research
- Pathways Rural Housing First Program (2016)
- Service use before and after the provision of Housing First for chronically homeless individuals with severe alcohol use (2015)
- Using Concept Mapping to Explore Barriers and Facilitators to Breast Cancer Screening in Formerly Homeless Women with Serious Mental Illness (2015)
- Introducing Housing First in a Rural Service System: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective (2014)
- Perceptions of Health Intervene in the Relationship Between Psychiatric Symptoms and Quality of Life for Individuals in Supportive Housing (2013)
- Activating People to Address Their Health Care Needs: Learning from People with Lived Experience of Chronic Illnesses (2013)
- Addressing Chronic Disease within Supportive Housing Programs (2013)
- Health Care Integration for Formerly Homeless People With Serious Mental Illness (2013)
- A Primary Care - Public Health Partnership Addressing Homelessness, Serious Mental Illness, and Health Disparities (2013)
- A Qualitative Analysis of Case Managers' Use of Harm Reduction in Practice (2013)
- Implementing Housing First in Rural Areas: Pathways Vermont (2013)
- Community Based Partnerships for Improving Chronic Disease Management (2012)
- Housing Stability and Recovery Among Chronically Homeless Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders in Washington, DC (2012)
- The ties that bind: Using ethnographic methods to understand service engagement (2012)
- Creating a Medical Home for Homeless Persons with Serious Mental Illness (2011)
- Evaluation of Pathways to Housing PA (2011)
- Transforming Assertive Community Treatment Into an Integrated Care System (2011)
- Moving From Street to Home: Health Status of Entrants to a Housing First Program (2010)