Submit a Volunteer Application

donated furniture



Volunteer Application

Pathways to Housing
Your Information












Please note, we have two locations for volunteer opportunities:
The Philadelphia Furniture Bank is located at 3650 I Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134
Pathways to Housing PA is located at 5201 Old York Road, Fourth Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19141


Please describe your interest in a volunteer position at the Philadelphia Furniture Bank




Please explain your physical limitations.


Are you currently seeking volunteer experience to fulfill a community service obligation (school, church, court referred)?


Please describe the service requirements.





Describe any special skills; languages spoken, computer programming, marketing, writing background, etc. Feel free to indicate proficiency level:skilled, can teach, amateur.


How will you get to your assignment?

Volunteer shifts are typically 4 hours in length between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm.


Select all that apply
In an emergency, please notify:





Volunteer Understanding

I am volunteering my services to Pathways to Housing PA. I agree to perform these services for civic, charitable and humanitarian reasons; a "personal purpose or pleasure"; or to gain employment contacts or a practical work experience without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation and without coercion from Pathways to Housing PA.

I hereby agree to serve any client regardless of race, sex, creed, or national origin. I also agree to a criminal background check run by Pathways to Housing PA.
I grant permission for the use of my photograph and/or video to be used for Pathways to Housing PA’s publications, websites, digital media, publicity, advertising, and similar.
I acknowledge that I may be exposed to confidential information in my role and that knowledge will not be disclosed to any outside party.


Enter your initials to indicate your electronic acceptance of the "Volunteer Experience" statement.


COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I am vaccinated against COVID-19 and will be required to show a valid vaccination card during each volunteer shift. 



With what place of business or organization is your group affiliated?


Volunteer shifts are typically 4 hours in length between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm.

Volunteer groups will help with a variety of tasks, dependent on the needs of the Philadelphia Furniture Bank on the day of your visit. This could include, but is not limited to: building, painting, cleaning, or repairing furniture, assisting with pick-ups or deliveries, moving furniture within the warehouse, or assisting clients as they choose their furniture.

The Philadelphia Furniture Bank is located at 3650 I Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134. 



COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I am vaccinated against COVID-19 and will be required to show a valid vaccination card during each volunteer shift. 





Philadelphia Furniture Bank