Introducing the 2022 Furnished for Good Artists

Every year we cannot wait to review artist applications for our Furnished for Good event. This year we had an incredible number of artists apply and our guest curators, Damon Reaves and Lawren Alice, had a difficult time selecting the artists who would be a part of this experience.
All of the artists selected have unique and different styles as well as diverse forms and mediums of art. This year, we expanded the premise so that our artists could choose between transforming a piece of furniture or creating something entirely from scratch. Many artists chose to visit the Philadelphia Furniture Bank. While they were there, they were able to pull inspiration from the very place that helps to create a home for individuals and families who are leaving crisis situations.

(Above, left to right) Beth Beverly, Amy Bond, Melissa Clouser, and Raichl Davenport

(Above, left to right) Carol Hannon, Veronica Hanssens, Lisa Kelley, and Davey Levson

(Above, left to right) Alexander Medlin II, Christian Rodriguez, Rashidah Salam, and Laura Lyn Stern

(Above, left to right) Katelyn Stoler, Glenna Stone, Bill Strobel, and Hannah Taylor

(Above, left to right) Anthony Torcasio, Nina Valdera, and Emily White
Read more about each of our artists in the blog posts below:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five