

front doors

Addressing Homelessness with Equity: Supporting LGBTQ+ Communities

The heartbreaking reality in the United States is the number of people experiencing homelessness is on the rise. As seen in the 2023 State of...
countdown to summer green living challenge text overlaid over a faded beach photo background

Good Haul's Countdown to Summer Green Living Challenge

June 5th, 2024 marked World Environment Day. Established by the United Nations in 1972, this day is dedicated to protecting our Earth and its future...
Anthony smiling at the camera during the interview

Anthony's Story

I met Anthony at my first participant picnic back in 2019. He was the self-described "Grill Master", standing over multiple grills and looking...
VMC logo centered on a stock photo of two people talking

Member Agency Spotlight: Veterans Multi-Service Center

Cover Photo & VMC Logo are Property of the Veterans Multi-Service Center The Philadelphia Furniture Bank depends on more than 60 member agencies in...
good haul team member carrying dresser

Why Choose Good Haul? Sustainable Junk Removal

When it comes to junk hauling, there seem to be endless choices. But how many of those haulers intentionally make a positive impact on the community...
philadelphia row homes

Philadelphia's Affordable Housing Challenges

Pathways to Housing PA provides housing services for people who have experienced chronic homelessness – and we are increasingly unable to find...
anthony smiling at the camera during his interview

Meet Anthony

Anthony has been a Pathways participant since October 2018. His first apartment was in Kensington, near where he spent a lot of time when he was...
attendee of furnished for good viewing the art pieces

Furnished for Good was a success!

View Photos from the Event On Tuesday, April 30, we hosted our annual Furnished for Good fundraiser at Cherry Street Pier. Furnished for Good is a one...

The Journey of Junk: Exploring the Life Cycle of Discarded Items

The average American can produce over 1,600 pounds of trash per year. While it’s likely true that over half of that number is truly unusable waste, a...
bio pics for Laura Lyn, Kate, and Richard, three artists

Meet the Artists 2024 - Part 4

As we approach this year’s Furnished for Good, we will feature our artists who have created pieces for the upcoming event and auction. This year we...