Introducing our Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report & Financials

We are grateful, once again, to have an opportunity to share our Annual Report with you. There are very few positive words to describe 2020.
Usually in this introduction to the annual report, we try to point out bright spots in the past year. This year, we have had to dig deep. For far too many people, the year has been filled with anxiety, stress, hunger, pain, hopelessness, and sorrow – for many reasons on many levels. There is no use trying to sugar coat that. We would, however, like to tell you what we’ve done to mitigate some of that suffering, and bring hope back into the lives of the people we serve.
One thing that has us standing in awe of this amazing staff is the fact that we moved 77 people off the streets, out of shelters and into apartments of their own between mid-March and the end of June. We knew we had to act fast to help keep people safe from the pandemic and that’s exactly what we did. When other services were limited or closing, Pathways ramped up to fill in the gaps. At the same time our other initiatives and programs have remained opened and have been moving forward. Our clinic and medication-assisted treatment programs have seen a substantial increase in visits, and we have responded (in partnership with Project HOME) with an increase in hours and staffing to meet that need. You can read more about our COVID-19 response later on in this report.
None of this is possible without the ongoing support of our community. You make the difference. Your support gives us the resources we need to be innovative and creative, going above and beyond when needs arise. For this we are eternally grateful.
Thank you,
Christine Simiriglia, President & CEO, and Ira Richards, Esq. Board Chair