Frequently Asked Questions

trainer training
  • How much do your services cost?
    • Housing First University provides services on an hourly basis. The current rate for one trainer/consultant is $150 per hour, and the rate for two trainers/consultants is $300 per hour. Additional trainers incur additional costs. All trainings and training packages are customizable based on agency need, population served, audience, etc. Please contact us for an estimate on your training or consulting project.
  • Do you train virtually or in-person?
    • All services can be provided in-person or virtually, depending on your needs and current CDC guidelines.
  • How many people can attend your trainings?
    • While HFU can accommodate up to 500 attendees in virtual training sessions, we encourage smaller cohort sizes (30-50) depending on the training topic. This allows for more interactivity and ensures that all questions can be addressed in a timely manner. We may offer concurrent cohorts to best meet your needs. Please contact us to discuss your project.
  • How long do trainings last?
    • Most of our trainings run two hours in duration, including a short break. We are happy to tailor our content to meet your agency’s scheduling and compliance needs.
  • Is Housing First University a nonprofit?
    • Yes! Housing First University is a program of Pathways to Housing PA, a Philadelphia nonprofit agency serving individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Any profit generated from our training services goes directly into providing housing and support to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
  •  Can we receive training on-site at your offices?
    • Yes! Pathways to Housing PA has a state-of-the-art training room where we can host groups of up to 40 of your staff members.
  • Do you offer continuing education credit for licensure?
    • Housing First University, a program of Pathways to Housing PA, can provide continuing education credits to licensed social workers in 48 of the 50 U.S. states and 10 Canadian provinces. If you are not a Licensed Social Worker, please check with your board of accreditation to ensure individual training topics meet your licensing needs.