Let's Get Active!

Two women standing together
"It's just so peaceful here," Diana told staff while walking along Forbidden Drive in the Wissahickon on Monday. "I feel like the air is so fresh and I can think without all the other distractions," she continued. Diana and Gloria joined staff on a twice monthly Community Integration outing to the Wissahickon Valley Park that are affectionately called Let's Get Active.
Community Integration plans activities and outings every month to get program participants out into their neighborhoods experiencing all their city has to offer.  Let's Get Active was developed when many participants noted that they wanted to lose some weight and improve their health. One of the main goals is introducing individuals to activities that they can then do on their own without the guidance of staff.  Both Gloria and Diana talked about how nice it was to exercise, watch the birds around the water, and just feel relaxed. Diana asked for help figuring out bus routes and made plans to come up again on her own. "I'd like to come sketch flowers and the bridges. I think this could be really good for me."
Check out the Events page to for the date of the next "Let's Get Active" outing.